Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A penny for your thoughts

As the chimneys have been going up outside, we have been making headway within the house. We've been plenty busy, but most of the work is behind the walls, so it's hard to see progress.  While rooms are being wired by the men (young and old), my mother-in-law has been helping me scrape wallpaper from the rooms downstairs.  She often comes many days a week to help with this tedious work, and has been a huge blessing to us.

While she was helping Jack in an upstairs bedroom, a coin between two floorboards caught her eye.  She pulled it up and found this 1904 Indian head penny, in great condition.  What a great find!  It isn't really valuable in the monetary sense, but it's unique and will be a piece of history for us to treasure.

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